Rates & Payment Methods

Payment Methods

I accept payment via credit/debt card, check, paypal, venmo or cash.

Self-Pay Sliding Scale

I have some sliding scale spots, and can send over my suggested rate schedule, which based on client income and number of dependents, upom requested.

Sponsor Someone In Need

I believe that everyone deserves counseling, regardless of ability to pay. I offer a sliding scale, as well as the opportunity for my clients to sponsor someone who does not have insurance and cannot afford counseling on their own. These sessions will be $250 and will allow me to charge someone only $1-10 per session. More information can be shared upon request.


I am currently accepting United Healthcare/Optum insurance. If you have a different insurance company, I can provide monthly statements which you may submit for out-of-network reimbursement, but I cannot guarantee the coverage of provided services.